1. Mmd Online
  2. Mmd On The Floor Motion Dl
  3. Mmd On Mac

Download the latest version of MikuMikuDance
from our Downloads Page.
Drag that zip folder you downloaded from your Downloads folder to your Desktop.
Double click on the folder and look for the EXTRACT or EXTRACT ALL button. Click that button and OK the defaults... and you should see your new MMD folder on your desktop.
MikuMikuDance does NOT install... MMD simply runs from inside its folder on your desktop. ... so... double-click on the MikuMikuDance.exefile to start MikuMikuDance!
Did MMD start for you? ... Great!
No? .., see this Troubleshooting Article for details on how to get MMD to run on your system.
I recently (December 2018) got a new Windows 10 computer, 64-bit, and wrote all about my set-up and SUCCESS with MMDx64 on Windows 10.
... if you STILL have problems, send Reggie Dentmore an email... we are always happy to help!
Mmd OnMmd on ipad

Hey y’all! Here’s something that a lot of people ask me to make from my deviantART page. “How do I make a model that’s not in Blender, but made out of downloaded parts, and it still fits my reference?”

Easily Make a Stylized MMD Model From a Reference!
Make Custom MMD Models using Downloaded Parts

Well, first thing’s first: get yourself a reference! I am obsessed with Barbie movies, so I’ll be making a model for Eden Starling after she becomes good from “Barbie in a Christmas Carol.”

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  • Is MMD available on Mac? To all Apple and MAC users, MMD doesn’t support your operating system and I will explain why. In MMD, animation 3D graphics are used so MMD is impossible for Apple to run, even with Windows XP mode, you will experience poorer performance and crashing on your computer when trying to work with MMD.
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For Barbie, I’ve already edited a TDA base to fit my “Barbie-esque” image that’s in my head.

Now I’m going to go into Photoshop and edit my facial textures. Eden has beautiful, bright green eyes, a beauty mark on her left cheekbone and brown eyebrows. I’m going to edit the eyebrows and eyelashes really quick and then I’ll show you how to use an eye texture!

To edit a texture, go to deviantART and find what you want. I want to use a bright texture, so I used sterilEYES by HiLoMMD. You can read about editing textures here!

So Eden has a beauty mark. Let’s add it on!

Oh, wait…it’s on both sides. What now? Well, you need to highlight one half of the face, right click on its designated box in the Msk tab and click Split!

Mmd Online

Make two files: one with the beauty mark and one without. Then add the beauty mark texture to the right side!

Mmd On The Floor Motion Dl

Eden has pink lips. Just paint the lips in the texture file and you’re done with the face reference!

Mmd On

Now for the body, I start on things that I can fix with a texture. The first thing that I can see is the gloves, which I never use a part for.

Texture recolored to make white gloves!

Now we wanna look for the shoes, dress, and hair. Remember, I always have a resizing tutorial! Fit it to the head and body and you’re basically done! You can add as many accessories that you want to make it look better.


Keep track of all of the pieces you use and where you got them so that you can credit all of the artists who created the pieces that you use. Do not share your modified models without specific permissions from the creators and artists. Read the ReadMe in each download to see those permissions. If you need to translate the ReadMe, do so, and then Keep the Faith… Do not break the rules or the hearts of the creators.

Have fun with PMDE and MikuMikuDance!

Mmd On Mac