
Epic battles await

  • Full list of all 43 Star Wars Battlefront II achievements worth 1,045 gamerscore. The base game contains 40 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there is 1 DLC packs containing 3 achievements.
  • Star Wars Battlefront 2 Standard Edition. The most basic version of Star Wars Battlefront is the standard edition.This version of the game retailers for $60 though you can already find some deals.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Free Download


Star Wars: Battlefront II is the sequel to Star Wars: Battlefront. It is a high-selling Star Wars video game following the many adventures of several characters. The two games are very similar, as both revolve around troopers from various factions fighting in different locales. Battlefront II, however, includes elements and missions from Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, as well as.

A massive battle awaits you, should you choose to pick up your blaster. The game is set in the traditional Star Wars universe and features maps from iconic locations such as Hoth or Endor.

A saga of war

In Star Wars Battlefront 2 you get to blast rebel scum into ashes and take command of epic firefights.

With many movies, games and novels, the Star Wars universe has had many memorable battles. Some of these have inspired the maps and game modes that you’ll find in the game. Weapons, characters, ships, and more come together in this title.

Play as part of iconic Star Wars factions such as the Rebel Alliance, Galactic Empire, Old Republic, and the Confederacy. There are also various roles you can play. Choose a Droideka to cause maximum mayhem, or a Rebel spy to silently hide amongst the enemy.

It’s an old game, you’ll notice this the moment you load it up. The graphics are quite dated. It’s still very well made, though, and the game's age only adds to the splendor that’s created as you fight across multiple planets and use all the available troops.

The game also boasts a great, welcoming community that continues to grow. If a Steam workshop were available, there would likely be hundreds of downloadables available. Sadly all modding needs to happen outside of Steam, but the community has guides available for this.

The game is old and has had a newer revamp released. However, many will still come to this version as it contains no microtransactions.

Where can you run this program?

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is available for Windows 2000 and later.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Rtx

Is there a better alternative?

No. While there is a newer version of Star Wars Battlefront 2 available, the publisher EA implemented a blatant use of microtransactions. If you want a game that’s cheaper on the wallet but still has a strong community, then you’ll enjoy the original.

Our take

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is a golden oldie. It shows its age, but the community behind it is still solid.

Should you download it?

Yes. If you need to scratch your Star Wars battle itch, this is the game for you..


  • Average graphics
  • Uncomfortable controls
  • Limited customization

Star Wars: Battlefront 2for Windows

    Revamped single-player experience includes smarter ai enemies and allies, plus a greater emphasis on story told through open-ended mission-based objectives; new space battles allow you to dogfight in X-wings, TIE fighters, Jedi starfighters and several other starcraft, or fight it out on foot aboard an enemy capital ship; special opportunities throughout the game for players to wield a lightsaber and use their favorite force powers as a Jedi; more than 16 new battlefronts on land and in space, including many from Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith such as Utapau, Mustafar and the space battle above Coruscant; all-new classic trilogy locations including the Death Star interior, classic space battles and the fight aboard the Tantive IV, Princess Leia's blockade runner seen at the beginning of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope; online multiplayer action for up to 24 players on PS2, up to 32 on Xbox or up to 64 on PC Windows; created by critically acclaimed developer pandemic studios.