Microsoft onenote cant create notebook software-->

If this is the first time you create notebook with your account, you may access or Office portalclick OneDrive tile (it depends on if your student account is related to Office 365 for Business), and then click NewOneNote notebook to create the notebook. It will open that notebook in OneNote Online. I have OneNote for Windows 10 on my computer now, I was using 2016 before my computer had to be rebuilt. I can't open any of my old notebooks, the new OneNote doesn't think they are OneNote files. The Windows 10 version doesn't have a file tab, so the converter posts I've seen aren't helpful. Please check if you can create a notebook using OneNote Online. In addition, please go to File Info View Sync Status, in the Shared Notebook Synchronization dialog box, check if there is any notebook icon with a yellow triangle warning over it. If any, click the Sync Now button next to the notebook to check if it is helpful. To create a new notebook, do the following: If necessary, sign into the account where you want to create a new OneNote notebook. Click the Notebooks list dropdown arrow that appears above the section and page lists. You may need to click the name of the current notebook to see the list of all notebooks.

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Create a new OneNote notebook.


One of the following permissions is required to call this API. To learn more, including how to choose permissions, see Permissions.

Permission typePermissions (from least to most privileged)
Delegated (work or school account)Notes.Create, Notes.ReadWrite, Notes.ReadWrite.All
Delegated (personal Microsoft account)Notes.Create, Notes.ReadWrite

HTTP request

Request headers

AuthorizationstringBearer {token}. Required.
Microsoft onenote cannot create new notebook

Request body

Microsoft Onenote Cannot Create New Notebook

In the request body, supply a name for the notebook.

Microsoft Onenote Cant Create Notebook Software

Notebook names must be unique. The name cannot contain more than 128 characters or contain the following characters: ?*/:<>|'

Microsoft Onenote Can't Create Notebook


If successful, this method returns a 201 Created response code and the new notebook object in the response body.



Here is an example of the request.

Read the SDK documentation for details on how to add the SDK to your project and create an authProvider instance.

Microsoft Onenote Cant Create Notebook Pdf

Read the SDK documentation for details on how to add the SDK to your project and create an authProvider instance.

Read the SDK documentation for details on how to add the SDK to your project and create an authProvider instance.

Read the SDK documentation for details on how to add the SDK to your project and create an authProvider instance.


Here is an example of the response. Note: The response object shown here is truncated for brevity. All of the properties will be returned from an actual call.